Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Emerson 11 Months

Hi baby!

Look how cute you are!!! I can't believe how much you accomplished in one month. It is insane. You grew those two teeth, or at least started to, right before you turned 10 months. Now they are in and you look so cute! You decided that you hate anything pureed and you're not too crazy about anyone putting things in your mouth other than you--my little self-feeder. You learned to crawl and do the most adorable little leg scoot and/or you just crawls on hands and feet instead of hands and knees. You learned to pull up and more importantly get down and now you are a little monkey all over the place. We got you a tooth brush for those two little teeth that you have and you love it! You are just the most amazing baby, still happy almost 98% of the time. People can't get over the fact that you never cry...I just tell them you do cry, but only when you're sick, you hurt yourself, or you have a tooth growing in!

You love to eat everything. You mastered the straw and the sippy cup, but honestly, you'd rather just drink from my nice glass. I'm excited that I can just start putting you in little summery outfits, so much easier than pants and babylegs and onsies and sweaters....bah. You've been cloth diapered for most of the month and although it is hard for mommy to remember to wash the diapers--bad mama--your tush looks so cute in them! Your pants, however, seem to think they are a bad idea and you mostly cry when I try to stuff you in them and you can no longer bend at the waist. Speaking of pants, I swear you grew over night. One day I was telling Sarah that you were never going to grow into your 12-18 month stuff that I bought you for summer, and the next day all your pants were too short and you were busting open the buttons in the crotch of your onsies!

You say mama and dada pretty clearly and when you say "Mama" you make the sign for milk--sometimes I think you're just telling people, this is my mom, she makes milk. Other times you really do want milk and that makes me happy seeing as you have decided that during the day you are just too busy for nursing and you can only sit to have a sip and then you're off on your way...the only real nursing sessions we have left are right before bed and then either at 4, 5, or 6am depending on how late you sleep and possibly for one nap! I can't believe you went from nursing round the clock to just two or three times a day. I can't force you, and I can't refuse to feed you solids--we tried, you let me know that was a bad plan!

You continue to say Dada...and now we realized that you are on the go how much harder it is to take pictures of you! This past shoot you just kept crawling around saying LALALALALA with your little old tongue waggling around. Cute, my friend, cute. You also love to just sit and talk to yourself, and we've decided that your variation of the sign, "plane" looks like you're saluting Hitler--eek-- and duck and bird look an awful lot like "milk" but, hey, we'll get there! At least you're trying!

It is getting really fun to watch you with other babies and kids. You chase Nicholas all around the room, and you love to share toys with Noah who seems to always want whatever it is just you just got your hands on. He is the only person to make you laugh hysterically and I missed it--thank goodness for camcorders!

You're still in love with Jimmy Buffet and scream at me when I try to play you a variety as if to say, "No, Mom, I don't WANT to listen to anyone else..." Daddy even plays the Margaritaville station for you on his Sirius radio when we are in the car. You also love to "play" the piano and squeal with delight if someone sits next to you and plays a song that you recognize. Guess we have music lessons in our future!

You are such a people person. You love to smile and wave and clap at people and your all time favorite manuver to butter them up is the head tilt. Your aunties and uncles are all crazy about you and let you know it--I'm sure you're going to have an enormous ego because they all rave about how cute you are and how smart you are and teach you thinks like taking off your hat (thanks, Sam!) and doing high fives. They love to be the best at making you smile or clap or laugh and I forsee many fun days ahead of us!

We have finally mastered the wrap and you make people laugh when I say, "ONE, TWO, THREE," and toss you on my back because you always have the biggest grin on your face. I'm so blessed to be your mama! I can't believe you are quickly approaching one year! I bet we're going to have so much fun this upcoming year with walking and talking and maybe...the potty! So many big girl things you get to try out!

It is late tonight so my mind is cloudy, but I know as the months go on there is going to be more and more that I cannot keep up with while writing this, but I'll do my damndest. You just grow and change and learn every second of everyday--no wonder you need all that sleep! You're back on the two nap schedule and that is fine with me! I love you chicky baby, I'm excited to spend my first mother's day with you tomorrow on all of our adventures.

Oh, and on a little less exciting note...we made it 11 months without a single baby poop in the tub...and last night...we....failed. YUCK!


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