Sunday, April 26, 2009

Chase 13 months


Dear Chase-Chase,

Boy do you keep me busy, mister mister! You are into everything. We thankfully have a gate at the bottom of the stairs, but if you notice that someone hasn't shut it you high-tail it over there so that you can crawl up. I didn't even know you could do the stairs and went up to boil some water one day and came back down again and you were half way to the top...eep! You also have some kind of sixth sense about the door at the top of the stairs, it is around a corner, but if someone hasn't shut it you make your way over to that to try and launch yourself down the stairs. You have also taken to climbing onto the seat of your firetruck, onto all of Emmie's step stools--where you then try to get onto the desk or the and out of the Cozy Coupe. You just love to climb...this is very new to me and we're finding out that baby proofing for Chase is a different world that we are used to!

You've hit some kind of eating craze...before food was just something to you try to launch yourself at it. If someone is not sharing with you you'll sign food food food while grunting at looks kind of like, "HEY, YOU THERE, WITH THE FOOD, PUT SOME RIGHT IN HERE!" You grunt a lot, actually. You grunt to be put down, to be picked up, to be given something, when Emmie does something to you that you don't also laugh a lot. When you get what you want, when you think something is silly, when Emmie talks to you. You wave at everyone and everything and laugh when someone waves back. You know you're cute and you know you're funny...that means Mommy is in trouble!! But back to food, you love pasta, peas, carrots, sweet potatoes (you drink them with a straw), blueberries, strawberries, watermelon, grapes, crackers, chicken, bread and so much more...I hope that means the iron levels are going to go up! This past week you had a blood draw and your little veins are impossible...they had to try three times and at the end when they finally did tap a vein they only got 1.5 vials instead of 4 and the poor nurse passed out at the end...apparently you stressed her out to the point of not breathing...crazy!

It's almost time for another hair cut, it has only been a month but you're getting raggedy again! I don't know where you and your sister found their curly hair...maybe momo or Jenny or Becky? It seems to be one of the only things you have in common with Emmie when I look at the two of you sitting side by mistaking that you're siblings with the mops that you both have on top!

You're super into figure things out that I never thought you could. Putting the balls into the holes on the dinosaur, putting the cars on the track to race down, popping the Easter eggs open. You love taking things out of containers and will even stack some blocks one on top of the other and then crash it all down. You love to turn the pages in books, but only want to read books that have little flaps to open or things to touch...if it is just words you can't really be bothered. You love playing peekaboo and cruising around the room...with Emmie's dolls stroller, you fire truck or the push're getting fast and as soon as you find that confidence to stand up on your own without holding onto something you'll be walking full still only scootch on your butt, no crawling for you and that's fine with me!

We hit another crazy milestone this month...sleeeeeep!! You did a couple long long stretched (as far as your sleeping goes) where you would fall asleep at 6:30pm and sleep until 2:30am...and then sleep again until 5 or 6am...not every night, but you can do it and we now know it! You also went from needing two naps to just one long one that starts around noon and lasts until 3pm...and you've decided that your crib is ok some days, woo hoo! You still come to our bed after your first wake up and you're pretty awesome to snuggle with.

I love you like you'll never know!

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