Sunday, March 11, 2007

Hi There Lazy Butt!

You turned 9 months just four days ago and I can't believe how many changes this month has brought! You might be wondering about the title...and no, I mean it in the nicest possible way! You've just recently started to "want" thing which spurred you into rolling...and reaching and whining. I say lazy because you have yet to crawl (I'm acutally excited about this because it means less baby-proofing for us!!) and you have yet to grow any teeth! All the cool babies are doing it...just kidding, you're perfect just the way you are! You say, "Dada", "Mum-mum", "Bob-bob-bob," and a slew of other unintelligable things. You love to wave and clap and be the center of attention. As I type this you are in your bungee baby bouncer listening to Jimmy Buffet and it looks like you're jumping to the music...intermitently you'll clap and squeal! Let me tell you as a first hand witness, it is very cute.

You list of food that you like, beg for and reach about is ever're really hating anything that is pureed other than your oatmeal...and much prefer to feed yourself (and us) sliced banana, quartered grapes, kiwis, peas, rice pilaf, chicken, carrots, beans, yogurt (this is on a spoon) down right refused beets and cottage cheese...and you know what, I don't blame you!

You love to point...I think you've figured out that it bring a reaction! You point and daddy and he says and signs "Dada." You point at mommy and she says and signs "Mum-mum..." Which, baby girl, you love to repeat and add a "BOB-BOB-BOB" on the is hysterical. Your daddy even thinks that his friend Bob must be coming over when he's not home because you talk about him so much!

You love to drink your sippy cup and more importantly from your rubber ducky in the love grown up cups--oh, and I almost forgot, you like pickles and black olives! You've started to grab the spoon when it is on its way to your mouth and shove it in there yourself...when I was a baby girl and learning my independence I would often shout, "Katie do," when anyone tried to help me...I have a feeling you're going to be the same way.

You love love love the swings. You coo and squeal and smile the whole time you are on one and give me the biggest grins. Just yesterday we took daddy to the park to show him how much fun you have and boy did you preform! You even had the 2 and a half year old that was on the swing next to you mimicking your happy noises!

You're sadly sleeping most of the night in your crib now. It is good and bad at the same time because I miss the snuggles that we used to get and I know that from here on out you're most likely going to want to sleep on your own. You go from about 7:30pm until 6am and then make a couple noises (never crying) until I come and get smile up at me and we head back to bed to nurse and sleep until least I get those two hours. You are turning into a great napper. Everyday from about 9:30 until 11am and then again you nap from 3pm until 5pm. I lay down with you for about 5 minutes per nap and rub your back and you are still get to nap in mommy and daddy's bed...another advantage of the fact that you're happy on your back and happy on your tummy and would rather just stay that way instead of rolling and crawling! You're really growing up...I am so happy that I get to stay home with you and watch it all happen...I can't believe you're going to be a year old in just a few short months!

This month we took your first airplane ride to California, drove 8 hours down to New Jersey and moved to a new've adapted so well and for that I am greatful! You're a beautiful baby inside and out!

Mum-mum (Bob-Bob-Bob)

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