Friday, July 13, 2007

Hiiiiieey Emmie,

That's how you say it, Hiiieeey...walking through the grocery store you saw two men in suits looking at the chips. Nice and loud you looked in their direction and said, "Hiiiieey," and they both laughed and said hi to thought it was hysterical and we went on to say hi to almost everyone in the grocery store. You've perfected the "byeeeeee," too and it must always accompany a hand wave. What a little person you are turning into.

You love Nicholas and will sit with him for a half hour or cry when he leaves the room. Actually, you like all kids!

This is a big month! You started it off with a bang with your birthday and a nice case of Roseola...and you started getting all four top teeth at once. Boy do you grow teeth slow or what? The two on your left are finally all the way through, but the two on the right are still just making your gums bulge and it has been an entire month! I'm even two days late in writing this and they STILL aren't out!

Your signing has absolutely exploded and while we were at the lacrosse game yesterday you were standing at the fence and signing butterfly because there was a field full of them just beyond your reach! We went to a free signing class at the Gymboree up the street on Wednesday but they do "baby signs" instead of ASL and you looked at them sideways like they were crazy when they didn't know the "real" signs for drink and cereal! It was too cute, you cocked your head to the side like, "Am I seeing this correctly?" and scoweled at the teacher...she said, "Oh dear, I think I'm confusing her..." and I had to tell the teacher that you only know ASL and that we probably won't be coming back because it is like she is teaching the kids gibberish and we are teaching you English. I felt bad, but hey, who thought up baby signs anyway when there already was a sign language? Your favorite game is the, "What's that?" game where you point and then wait for me to tell you what it is and how to make the sign. You won't stop asking until I tell you.

We've had a couple rough nights this month because you are working on all of those teeth and you learned to walk! You took your first step at the end of the Roseola bug when you were just about a week over a year and then took a break...then took a couple steps in the kitchen...then took a break...this week you decided you can get up on your own, walk a few steps and then come crashing to the floor. Repeat, repeat, repeat. It is cute, but when you dive you often don't realize how close your poor little head is to smacking into a book shelf, coffee table, hard I have been tending to a sad baby quite frequently!

You used to be a terrific eater...but now you're SO over grapes, blueberries, strawberries, watermelon, bread, cheese, yogurt, anything off a spoon. It is hard to get much into you because you're ready to hop down and explore the world, but I think that all might have to do with the new ability to walk as well? You're quite good at the "all done" sign and sign it repeatedly sometimes when I just sit you on earth can you be all done when we haven't even started yet?

Taking your picture has gotten harder...not that you aren't just as cute and smiley, but you move all over and wiggle and dance...not to mention the fact that you have discovered that there is an adorable baby that lives inside of the camera and you always want me to turn it around so you can see her!

We were a little nervous you were going to be like your daddy and hate cold water...but you have warmed up to your pool and big pools. We haven't tried the ocean again yet, but we will soon! At first you would just cry when you feet got into the cold water so I assumed you just didn't like it. Noah came over one day and I didn't even bother putting you in a suit because I thought--eeehhh, she doesn't really like it. Well, did you prove me wrong, you hopped your little leg over the side of the pool and plopped yourself right into the water, clothes and all.

Last have started to make the FUNNIEST faces! You're a hoot. You love to smile, look surprised, look confused, scowl, frown and pout. I think half the time you are doing it just for the reaction!

This time last year you didn't even know how to smile...look how far you've come, little chicken! I can't wait for all of the learning and growing you get to do. It is so fun watching you!

Love always,

P.S. Daddy doesn't like it, but you LOVE to be dirty!

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