Thursday, November 20, 2008

29 Months


Dear Emmie-girl,

I used to call you Emmie-baby....but lately you've told me that you are a big I stand corrected. You are also known as the Emster. By now you've realized I am perpetually late on these is officially 9 days past due...but better late than never, I say. I will chug along. I need some sort of alarm that goes off saying you are officially older. I can't believe you are almost two and a half! Most days you act like you're four, but there are some here and there where you are acting like the two year old that everyone warned me about....but that's your have some big big big emotions and sometimes don't know what to do with them all.

Just yesterday you didn't want to leave Grammy and Papas and you screamed at me, "I'm just AGGRAVATED, ok!?" As I was trying to convince you it was late and we needed to get your coat on so we could get home and get Chase to bed. Well said, little girl. You continue to amaze me on a daily basis...right now you are actually sitting on the floor playing with all of your Little People toys (the farm, airplane, house, and tree) and you're telling them all stories.

One of the saddest moments this month was when you woke up for a couple days in a row crying and telling me that a mosquito had bitten you inside your ear and you couldn't scratch it. Eventually we went to see the pediatrician thinking that you must have your first ear were sad that Dr. Muffy (Margaret) wasn't there and not too excited to meet the new Doc who you named Dr. Diamond even though her name was Dr. Simon. You clung to me like a baby monkey and she did the exam right in my arms. You cried, "Hold me, hold me, Mommy," and I just kept explaining that I was holding you and couldn't hold you any tighter. Later that week you were pushing your panda on the ground and digging some tweezers in her ears and she was saying, "I don't LIKE the doctors..." You're too smart.

You had a blast on Halloween and actually got the concept this year and would say, "Trick or treat," at the door and grab your candy. You LOVE candy. It's dangerous. You are so persistent and stubborn that a simple, no candy now, doesn't work for you. You'll ask from here until Tuesday, why not? Can I? Just one? Please? Pleeeease? PleeeeeeeEAAAASE, MOMMY." Then after I give you just one you want....just one more. Sigh. I guess we just can't have it in the house...then I can't give it to you no matter what.

You're super good with your brother. You give him your soothie when he is sad, and even though he doesn't suck it he likes holding it and biting it. You get very concerned when he is sad and want me to fix it...and this month JenRN came over with baby Haley and you had many was in which you thought she should calm her....your ideas? Give her milkies. Walk her around. Bounce this...and you show Jen how we bounced Chase for so long.

You loved preschool when we went for a tour this month and I am sad to say I will miss you when you go next September. I will miss watching you learn and discover new things....because I know you will. But I can't keep you here and little forever...I can try....but someday you're going to go off and do your own thing.

Love you tons!


P.S. These are the outtakes from the Christmas card this year, can't wait to post the real thing!

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