Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dear Chase (10 months)


Hey there little guy,

This has been quite a month. Seriously. 10 months? That is very close to being a year old and you are still a baby...a big baby who wakes up like a newborn and hates solid can't turn one, I forbid it. But I guess you can hang out here at 10 months for a while, it's a fun fun fun age! You're into everything, always moving and reaching and pulling up on everything and anything that you can get your hands on. This is kind of funny because sometimes you're pulling up on something that is only knee high and you're bent over all funny trying to cruise bent in half.

Your other fun trick this month is lunging at people while in my arms. You get them to think that you want them to hold you, you reach and lean and practically beg to be in their arms...they get all flattered and grab you from me...and then you see that I am no longer holding you and you start to whine and fuss and cry for me to take you back. I always try to warn them that you might not be serious about wanting to be held, but they never believe me until you are whining and fussing in their arms.

You're still super picky about what you want to love crackers and arrow root cookies (and the two chocolate chip cookies that you conned your sister out of) and smart puffs and veggie booty....and still baby oatmeal and sweet potatoes...but not too much else. You will eat whatever I am putting in my mouth -- peas, corn, bits of sandwich, pasta, egg, pickle, grapes, tomato, apple, pear....but if I put it on your tray you play with it. Lots and lots and lots of things make you gag...and usually when you gag you we're cleaning that up often and got a big section of plastic to catch it all. I need to get better about feeding you a variety of things more often even though I usually just end up showered in it or wasting a bunch....but I feel like I am taking the easy road in he doesn't like food, I won't feed him. That won't get either of us anywhere.

Speaking of are definitely a younger sibling....because you got your first stomach virus this month from a friend of your sister's who is old enough to go to preschool. It was not fun at all, but you took it amazingly well and just became a cuddly little puke-smelling lump for two days. You would nurse and puke nurse and puke nurse and puke...I thought for sure you didn't have enough body fat to get you through a virus like that, but we made it through to the other end.

You've got a healthy dose of separation anxiety that is quickly solved by being in mommy's arms...thank god for babywearing because there are times when I can't hold you but you need to be held, so onto my back you go. You seem to have grown quite fond of being back there and tend to just snuggle your head between my shoulder blades. People still try to "help" me get you back there....little do they know we have a system and don't really need their help--actually their help more often than not flusters and confuses me so I politely swing away from them and tell them we're fine. You've got a pretty solid nap routine going nap from around 8:30am-11am and then again from 1:30pm-3:00pm....and you go to bed promptly at 6:30pm when you're super fussy and can't stand life....and this is when life gets tricky. You're up at 10:30 or so for some milk....and then again at 1:30, 3:30 and 5:30 sometimes for the day. Thank goodness you're just in bed with us after that 1:30am feeding and all I have to do is roll over a stick a boob in your mouth, but we didn't know how lucky we were that your sister slept from 7pm - 7am at this age in her own crib with pretty much no effort on our part. I just remind myself that you won't be little forever...and you won't be needing me in the night forever...and soon enough I will have full nights sleep where I lie with my eyes open longing for you to be a baby again in my bed snuggled up close and warm....and when I think like that all is well with the world.

Your new favorite activity is to hold onto my hands and cruise around the room...perhaps you'll be walking before crawling. Still no teeth...that's ok because I love that gummy little smile! I do wonder, though, if you'll have a hard time with teeth like you do with sleeping and eating. Time will tell, time will tell!

I love you, Mr. Snuggles!


P.S. Your letter and Emmie's letter are super late this month...that's what happens when Pukefest 2009 hit the house, everything got backlogged by about 4 days!

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