Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dear Chase (15 months),
Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Dear Chasifer,

15 whole months and things they are a-changing! You are getting bigger...slowly, and still not in a "chart-worthy" way, but hey, you're getting there. We just had your check up yesterday (and you were SO mad...I think because we did a blood draw on Monday) and you are 29 inches long and 20lbs...that's about an inch bigger and two pounds heavier. You're head is still off the charts in the other direction, but Daddy and I think your body is starting to look like it is working on catching up (particularly in the arm and leg regions). I think all of the growing happened when you started to eat like a truck driver, you love to use a spoon (or attempt to) in just this past week and mainly get everything in your mouth! Your favorite foods are still all things orange...carrots, peaches, sweet potatoes, oranges...but you have another new love...Annie's Mac and Cheese with peas and drop the fork and shove fistfulls into your mouth all the while saying, "MmmMMmmmmmmMmmm."

Speaking of're starting to realize that you can actually say things that we understand, and when you realize that you've said something that you wanted to say and we repeat it back to you your little face lights up...seriously just like the lightbulb cartoons! The list so, hat, mama, dada, nana (I think this is Emmie but she insists you call her Emmie instead), ididit (I did it), aahhh-done, boo, choo-choo, uh-oh, hello (as said when you put the phone to your ear)...and you're working on signs too for mama, dada, eat, drink, all-done, milk, cold, gentle, more, dog, up, and of course, yes and no! It's fun to finally know what is going on in that head of yours! Oh, and we finally found a medicine that I think is making your belly better...Prevacid...and you LIKE to take it! It's a little pill that tastes like berries that we dissolve in water and let you sip with a practically leap out of my arms to get the straw in your mouth and suck it if Mommy could just remember to give you the darn thing everyday.

You're still my little dare devil...climbing stairs when I'm not looking (and saying UH-OH half way up), getting onto every step stool and ladder you can find, nearly flinging yourself over any high edge because you have no concept of crashing to the ground, getting onto every ride-on toy you can...and in the meantime I think you have had more dents, bumps, and bruises to your head than any other child I have ever theory is that it is so big and you are so small so you're more apt to get pulled over by it with a little shift in space...sad, but funny and true...keep growing, body!

You love to play with toys and much to my surprise you're obsessed with trains and cars and boyish things...I thought for sure being the younger brother to a girl you would be interested in dolls and pink and dressup...don't get me wrong, you do love to play with the doll house, but the second you hear a plane or the lawn mower you are at the door to watch their every move. Emmie had a pretty good matchbox car collection (because Daddy picked one out each trip we took to Target) and you have discovered them and roll them along the floor for hours saying, "Broom broom broom."

You're a love to wrap your arms around my neck and cuddle your head into the spot between my shoulder and my often come over and plop yourself in my lap and have a quick snuggle before you're off exploring (and climbing/getting into trouble) and you have been having fun with Emmie and I making us laugh with some silly little games you like to play. Oh, and I almost forgot...this is the age (newly walking and understanding what we ask) where we once asked Emmie to tickle her daddy...well when she did he let out a huge we decided it was time to ask obliged and after the first time daddy let out a scream you decided that now whenever you tickle people you have to scream for them...too funny! We'll have to get a matching video someday so that you can both watch them when you're old and wondering what youtube is!

You're still not the best sleeper, but we're managing...and I just keep reminding myself someday you'll sleep. Someday you won't need me in the night. Someday I'll be able to sleep until noon if I want to (although I fear I won't want to by then) . Someday I'll lay awake at night wondering how you are doing at college or on your honeymoon or on the night that your first baby is born too excited to sleep...and now I lay awake at night wondering if I should bother sleeping since I know you'll be up soon looking for me...but in the middle of the night when you wake up and cry and I get to be the one to pick you up, snuggle you, give you milk and listen to your breathing slow I know I'm lucky to have you warm in my arms...sleep can happen later!

I love you little man, keep up the good growing!


1 comment:

Amateur Author said...

I'm impressed with how positive you can be about lack of sleep:)
He looks crazy grown up in the first picture! I did a double take.