Friday, July 10, 2009

Dear Emerson (37 months)
Saturday, July 11, 2009


Dear Emmie-Bean,

You never cease to amaze me...I thought that as you grew and grew from that tiny baby who had so much to learn that day-to-day life would stop being so full of amazing little Emmie-splosions where you show much just how much you can change and learn...but honestly I feel like at 37 months old more is changing than I ever thought possible! You are such an awesome little three year old. You are needy and clingy and whiney one moment and full of life, vigor, and independence the next. Your hair is finally growing...ha. But really? Every day you ask for "one pony" because for some reason to you that is more sophisticated...but in all honesty your hair still cannot pull back in one pony so for now we do two...everyday I tell you I'll try to do one, and everyday you hope and hope that your hair will be long enough....but not yet! You sit backwards on the potty horse while I brush and you love to pick out the elastic color...often you NEED it to match what you are wearing, but sometimes you mix it up and say on pink and one purple while you're clearly wearing blue.

Beach (by MKD Photography)

You are still my little baby in so many ways, you love to be held, to be snuggled, to be read call for us if you wake up in the middle of the night even though it is really rare. You cry when you get hurt or when you're frustrated and you still need help with lots of little things like reaching the sink to wash your hands and squeezing the tooth paste...but then you're so grown up in other ways. You can pedal your trike, you're starting to pump on the swings, you like to get your own glass of water and you even started reading some really basic BOB Dot is a Dog, she has a bag...etc. You're oh so excited about your school starting in the fall after bathingsuit time and talk about your new teacher "Ms. Debrah" often. The thing you're most excited about that you saw in the classroom? Dressup. Of course! The dress you're wearing in this month's pictures was supposed to be the one you wore to your birthday party, but it rained a little that day and you wore froggy boots and a skirt...

SweetFace (by MKD Photography)

You catch on to so many things. This past week we had a pretty awesome conversation that went like this.
Me: Emmie, do you know what stree we live on?
Em: School St.
Me: That's right, what town do we live in?
Em: Acton.
Me: That's right, do you know what state?
Em: Massachuuuuusetts.
Me: Yup, what about the country? Do you know that?
Em: Um...
Me: Like your puzzle? The United States of America.
Em: Oh, yea, America.
Me: Want me to teach you our phone number? It's 978...
Em: 766-6989 (Changed it for all you prank callers out there!
Me: Whoa, who taught you that?
Em: I dunno...

KidCamera (by MKD Photography)

We're starting to see some sibling rivalry going on...don't worry, we bought a book...Siblings without Rivalry...I'll read it soon, I promise. I must say, though, that even though you would rather I not give Chase any attention you're pretty amazing at giving him your attention. You love to make him laugh and often will play games like peek-a-boo, slap-me-five, and I'm-Gonna-Catch-You! You love to bonk bellies with him (he loves it too), rub his back, pull his leg when he's in a carrier to make him giggle, tickle him, snuggle him (he's not too fond yet) and hold his hand (he's warming up to this). You take good care of him and feed him yogurt, give him more grapes, and chew up gummy bears and give him the pieces (YUCK, YUCK, YUCK) and he loves you for it!

Faces (by MKD Photography)

One of my favorites was in the car a few weeks back, you reached out to hold his hand and he obliged...then you wanted your hand back and he you said, "Oh ok, Chasey, I'll hold your hand, you don't have to cry." We then got ice really wanted to eat yours but everytime you tried to get your hand back Chase would calmly explained to him, "Chase, I need my hand to eat my ice cream, ok buddy?" He cried and you looked at me and I gave you a couple could just let go and it was ok that he cried or you could wait until we got home to eat your ice came up with your own idea..."Put the ice cream right here in my lap and I'll eat it with ONE hand!" So there you were holding hands with Chase and eating ice cream from your lap with the other...I was nervous the ice cream was going to wind up all over the car but it was too cute to challenge you...and not a drop was spilled.

Rose (by MKD Photography)

I love you like you love cucumbers and ranch...and if you didn't know...that's a lot!


Camera (by MKD Photography)


test said...

love the last set with the D300! Starting her early - good work! in no 3 she realises mum is shooting with the d700 right?

Amateur Author said...

Yes! The cute-ness! I love the backdrop too.