Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Dear Mr. Mohawk,

What a difference just a few months make, I was getting nervous that you were going to be a handful forever...but you're settling in very nicely. We don't have to swaddle you anymore, you don't want to sleep in the swing anymore and I haven't sat on the exercise ball with you since before we left for our vacation. Speaking of which, we booked that way before you were even born thinking that we were going to have another super laid back easy baby...then we realized that wasn't who you were but, like I said, we booked it long before you had made your super-fussy arrival. I was nervous. But you know what? You were a piece of cake. You rolled with the punches and tolerated being worn and sleeping on the go. You really have taught me so many lessons about being a mom, about babies in general, and about expectations. For that I will be forever greatful.

Just this morning you took a 2.5 hour naps. Since we came back from vacation I haven't been able to get you down for more than an hour at a time. You know the difference? I put you down in our bed, nursed you, and then snuck away...the same thing I used to do with Emmie at this age. I thought you needed the Amby bed, needed to be bounced to sleep, maybe you're telling me that you're outgrowing that too?

We started feeding you on the cruise. Bananas, mashed potatoes, mango...you weren't too keen on it but I think it was a last resort when you were fussy...saying I need sleep...and we were thinking, just feed him, he'll be too busy to fuss. We came home and tried some other things...you weren't too keen on them either. I wonder if now I am going to have to learn my lesson on picky eaters. Daddy is a very picky eater. Emmie eats anything. I eat anything. Maybe I'll learn that it is not about what I feed you and what a wonderful mom I am but more about who you are and what you'll eat.

You have taught me such humilty, Mr. Mister! And like I said, I am grateful...no one likes being put in their place, but I realize that I can be the best mom ever and that doesn't mean you will sleep through the night, doesn't mean you will have a smile on your face all the time, doesn't mean that you will eat whatever you are served...it only means that I can love you as much as my heart will let me and you get to determine what kind of a person you'll be. And let me tell you, I am falling more and more in love with that little person everyday. You smile at me, cry when I walk away from you, giggle when I kiss your belly, stroke my face with your little hand and make the cutest noises.

You are such a cute little guy and you melt my heart daily. You snuggle your head into my neck and suck on your hand when you are tired. You belly laugh when you sister looks at you and copies what you say...and you no longer cry in the car!!!! That is a big bonus. I find myself not wanting you to grow up too fast...wanting to baby you...I think with a first baby it is a race to hit milestones, and with you, my second, I am savoring every little bit of it. You can roll and sit and babble and giggle...long before Emmie ever did...but I think I would be happy to just watch you being you instead of seeing what you can do and when...yet still you do new things daily!

Sorry about the pictures this month...we did the same with Emmie in the fall....I'm sure you'll both want to kill me someday!

Love you Mr. Giggles!


1 comment:

Amateur Author said...

ryn: (can we ryn on blogger?) So funny about the tattoo reading. I would love if that was my future:)
I keep showing everyone these pictures of Chase... and then scrolling down for the cute Emmie pictures too!