Friday, March 13, 2009

Dear Emerson (33 months)

Hi Little Miss,

You are getting so grown up, it kills me! You say the funniest things and come up with knock jokes all on your own.

Emmie : Knock, knock, who's there? (You don't get that you're saying both lines...)
Mommy: Who IS there?
Emmie: Banana
Mommy: Banana who?
Emmie: Banana mustache.....bwahahahahahahahaha.

You cover you mouth with your hands when you really laugh and run away hysterical. Then you come running back for more. The ones that make you laugh the most are "Ach-who" and "Boo-who" but you always want me to tell them, not you even though you know the punch line. You're getting excited for your birthday, you see little things here and there that you really want and you'll say, "Oh, can we add that to my birthday list?" I'm not sure yet if you understand that just because it is on the list doesn't meant we're definitely getting it, just that you MIGHT get it. You love everything Disney Princess related and you were super excited when I got you three Princess T-shirts and a Sleeping Beauty tutu...I wish I had video taped your face when you pulled it out of the bag! I bought them with a gift certificate that you had had since you were a few weeks old...holy cow, huh?

You're very interested in school buses when we pass them on the road. You tell me that one day you will go to school and you will get on THE BUS. I hate to tell you that the bus isn't going to happen for a while...mommy will definitely drive you to preschool next year. I hope you're not too dissapointed. You're excited about know that you're going to be in the "Butterfly" class but sometimes you tell me you are going to wear you bathing suit to school so I think you might be a bit confused. I can't believe in a few short months you are going to be three...and a few months after that you will go to school. Preschool is Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:15am - 11:45am...I know that isn't a long time...but you are going to be spending time with other kids, other teachers, you are going to be growing and learning and experiencing life with in...not me. A little piece of me is so proud you are getting so big, and another piece of me would like to freeze you right now and keep you as you are. Maybe even keep you on my pocket. You would be safe, you would be always with me, would get bored. I know, I know. I have to let you grow up...eventually you're going to go to college and marry someone and I better start getting used to that idea now.

You're currently watching the Aristocats. You love it! You still don't take naps...every once in a great while you fall asleep in the middle of the day by accident, but for the most part you are up with me all day. I don't mind, but sometimes I need a little break so when your brother naps I have you either quietly read your books in your bed (sometimes I read right next to you) and other times you get to watch a movie cuddled up on the couch under a blanket happy as can be. You're getting excited about spring and getting to go outside more. Yesterday we attempted the swingset but it was so cold our hands turned red and you and Chase had weepy eyes. Soon, baby girl, soon!! When you get cold outside you always tell me it must be time for a hot cocoa break. Today you discovered the joy of risotto and proclaimed it was the most delicious. Now you are snacking on big hunks of cheddar cheese and you're in your glory. This morning we finger painted together and then did some water colors and after that you played with your chalk board. I think you may end up some kind of artist, huh!? You are actually drawing things that resemble people now, and today you drew a "big yellow banana" and some trees. You're impressed with your own skill and will beam as you show off your work. I can't wait to see if you can pedal your tricycle this year!

I love you tons and tons...



Anna Yu said...

Waaaaayyy cute! I was laughing out loud at all the knock knock jokes.

Patty said...

Well, miss are the cutest knock knock joker of all time and I also love your art work. I think Mommy should show us some of your pictures!
