Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dear Emerson (34 months!),
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dear Ms. Thing,

You are just now hitting the terrible twos, thank goodness we only have about two more months of you being two, then it is off to the land of the threes...which I hear three is the new two anyway! You're super cute and sweet still and smart as a whip...but sometimes those huge emotions, well, let me tell you, they come tearing out of you. I witnessed my first ever tantrum this month...you wanted a toy, I wasn't getting one, so you decided to scream at me at the top of your lungs in the middle of the store that you WANTED.THAT.TOY! I reminded you that it wasn't really nice to scream in a store and that if you chose to do it again we would have to leave...well you grabbed the toy, I placed it back on the shelf and reminded you that we were there to look and maybe get something for Chase with his gift certificate and scream oh scream....we left. You cried the whole way home and told me that it was not nice to takes toys away from you and that I shouldn't do that EVER.AGAIN. Message heard. I reminded you that mommy had said you could not get a toy, and you reminded me again that I should not take things from you...lol. I guess it is a good thing that I am just not having to experience the tantrum with you (I think your brother is on the cusp of throwing them as well if stiffening into a board when I try to put him in the carseat is any indication)...life gets interesting!

You do still give me a kiss at night and whisper sweet things in my ear...you're the best ever mommy to your stuffed animals and you are the best joke teller I ever met. You're getting better with using your words when you're frustrated or scared and will say funny little things like, "No, please," when someone is trying to hand you something that you don't want. You're getting better at including Chase and playing with him...probably more to do with the fact that he is getting bigger and can do more with you. You're obsessed with anything princess and pink and girly fruffy frilly and it makes me laugh...if it is a tutu, is pink, or has a picture of one of the princesses on it you love it!

The Easter Bunny came this past weekend and left you all sorts of clues to find your basket and you had so much fun going around and finding the clues that I don't think you noticed that there wasn't much candy...that is because you, my friend, are a bit obesessive about the sweet stuff...and while I don't deny you having it when it is around, it is easier when it isn't around! You sometimes think that candy is like a vitamin and you'll say, JUST ONE, JUST ONE A DAY...and then after you've finished your just one you want just one more! But back to that bunny, the clues he left you made you laugh...you were giggling like crazy when one of the eggs was in the shower...did he take a shower in there?? You asked...hehehe.


You're currently cuddling on the couch next to me watching Aristocats because you no longer take a nap...but I need you to have some quiet time...you ask a lot of questions and have a need to know a lot of the whys of how the world works. You'll do that thing where I explain something and you'll ask why, and I'll explain it more, and you ask why, and then you ask more and ask again, and more and again and more and again why why why why...I do understand that you are trying to figure out how the world works, but it is exhausting!
"Emmie please stop hanging on the dishwasher drawers."

Tinker Bel green crocs

"Because they might break."
"Why, Mama?"
"Because they aren't made for kids to hang on..."
"Why, Mama?"
"Well, because it is made for washing dishes...and you weigh more than dishes."
"Why, what, Emmie, why is it made for washing dishes or why do you weigh more than dishes?"
"Why do I weigh more than dishes, Mama?"

Rinse repeat with everything....all.the.time.

The crack cracks me up....2t pants do it because they're too smal and 3t because they're too big!

You love to sing, to dance, to paint, to finger paint, to go outside, to swing, to slide, the rhyme, to count, to laugh, to tell jokes, to ride your tricycle, your friends, cute clothes (?? crazy!), pink, purple, the rainbow, your animal toys, your Elmo computer game...you really just love life and hate bedtime...or when I tell you that you can't do something that you REAAAALLLLY want to do which is understandable...I hate it when people tell me I can't do something that I really want to do to! You also hate hair cuts, the doctors and the dentist...although when all three are over you'll sob, "THAT.WASN'T.SO.BAAAAD!"

Sarah, Del, Noah and Emmie

Love you to bits...I can't believe only one more letter before you are three!! EEEP!


P.S. All the images this month are from the day that Sarah, Noah and Del came to visit...mama took some and Sarah took some with mama's camera while I was getting Chase down for a nap.

1 comment:

Ms. Jackson said...

HAHA I love how smiley Emmie is...while Noah is stoic (sp?)