Thursday, September 24, 2009

Dear Chase (17 & 18 months),
Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Dear Mr. Man,

I cannot believe that I am combining two months. That's a first. I'm sorry that you're a second child and that had to happen to you! I'm sure when you're reading this down the road you'll understand all about the crazy summers of a wedding photographer and forgive me, though, right? Right. Ok, now enough of the justifications of a busy mommy and onto you and these last two months.

Auntie Jenny's Wedding (by MommyKahdib)

You are such a sweet sweet boy. You are also a very rough boy who likes to headbutt people who don't give him what he wants....but that rarely happens...but enough so that it must be mentioned! The first time you did it LaLa (that's what you call Emmie) was the recipient. Usually she could just take a toy from you and give you something else...sometimes you were attached to the toy you were playing with and would grunt for it back...this time she took a truck from you and you were not having it. You grunted, you yelled, you pulled at the toy but she wasn't picking up on your subtle hints so you took her shoulders in your hands and butt your head against hers. She was none to happy! We're working on teaching you to be're signing has exploded so that helps a lot when you can just sign, "More, More," when you need more time with something, but you still get stuck sometimes (like tonight at dinner) and just cry because we can't quite figure out what on earth you are trying to tell us.

Cape Cod Rail Trail (by MommyKahdib)

In addition to the crazy signing you are really working on the talking thing. You've mastered the gross motor things and lots of the fine motor things (although if you were to look at your head right now it is FULL of bruises because you're often clumsy and whack your noggin)...but it seems as though you are ready to start talking. You don't repeat things for us like Emmie did. We were walking down the street in downtown Dennis and you saw a flag and pointed, and I said, "Flag," and you said, "FLAG," and then a few paces later I tried to get you to say it again for Daddy but you just looked around all confused that I was talking about a flag when there wasn't one nearby anymore. Too cute! You will repeat things if I say something like, "Where's Dada? Call him!" You'll then say, "DA-DAAAA, DA-DAAAAAAAA!!!" You also coined a phrase for motorcycle this's kind of just a big garbled, "ablablabkablablablabla," noise but you say it every time you see one or hear one. As Emmie would say, "You're kind of obsessed with cars, trains, motorcycles, hats, sunglasses, shoes, ceiling fans and her sparkle lip gloss." About that last one....I didn't know you had gotten into it the other day and looked closer at you while you were on the swings and sure enough there was a nice thick layer of pink glitter gloss on your lips shining in the sun....also too cute!

First Lemon (by MommyKahdib)

Chase and Mom (by MommyKahdib)

So we've had a crazy couple of starred in your Auntie Jenny's wedding...oops I mean, you were just the ring bear (grrrrrr....said Chase). We went to Storyland and found out that you're not too crazy about spiney rides and wind blowing in your face (unlike your sister) but you LOVED the tractors and old fashion cars and the little strollers that they have there. We also just got back from a week long vacation on Cape Cod. You only love the beach while wearing sandals...not a huge fan of the sand on your feet or hands, but I do think you love being there. You're so easy going. You'll nap in a wrap, in the car, in my take just one nap a day now for about 2-3 hours. You're still up in the night about 2-3 times, but really you just want to be fed and put back to bed....some people try to tell me it is a "habit" but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with your blood have a bone scan scheduled at the end of this month for your "short stature" and you went through a pretty invasive scoping at Children's Hospital last month where they had to knock you out and keep you overnight.

Spiders!  (by MommyKahdib)

I don't mind if you're just going to be small, or if you're going to catch up....but I do mind if we're missing something (like low blood sugars) that we should be helping with. You're so patient with the doctors and really only cry when they do things like poke you with a needle. You're still not on the charts for height and weight and you're head is still off the charts....but you know what I think? You're happy, you smile, you laugh, you hug me like I'm the only one in your world, you giggle when you toot, you hum just to make your sister smile, you poke us all in the belly button and get mad if we deny you access, you tickle your daddy....we'll figure out all of the other stuff together, but for now I'm just happy that you're such a fun and easy-going kid!

I love you like you love ceiling fans!


Baby Toss (by MommyKahdib)

Papa's Truck (by MommyKahdib)

Bruised Chase (by MommyKahdib)

Hotdogs!  (by MommyKahdib)

Boat boat boat!  (by MommyKahdib)


Amateur Author said...

I love the look of shock in the first air-toss picture.
The last one, especially, is awesome!
See you tomorrow!

Kevin Bergin said...

"ablablabkablablablabla" sounds like a pretty good approximation of a motorcycle to me!